contemporary Australian poetry

unique observations of life

Angels, like laundry is a collection of 44 contemporary Australian poems by author and barrister Brian Walters. Each poem has something to say; each draws on a strong individual voice to explore its insight. The poems are gathered under six headings: beginnings, legends and warnings, memories, journeys, reflections and farewells. Each of these groups is complemented by several full-page images to create a rich visual setting.

The interactive ebook edition of Angels, like laundry contains a video clip of an event that informed one poem, while two other poems were the inspiration for contemporary Australian musical compositions, with performances of those works also to be found in the ebook.

The ebook edition of Angels, like laundry is available for readers to purchase in some 50 regions through Apple Books – click the button below.

A softback print edition is available for Australian readers to purchase through the author’s web site – click ‘print edition’ button below.

Brink is a collection of 48 contemporary Australian poems by author and barrister Brian Walters.

Gathered under five headings: of Gods and prophets, of the Earth, of storms and skies, of enigmas, and of last things – each group of poems is complemented by a family of full-page images. The Brink visual journey begins with arresting single images in of Gods and prophets, then land and seascapes by the author for of the Earth. Whimsical-to-dramatic skyscapes appear in of storms and skies, followed by abstract images of suburbia in of enigmas. While images within of last things are the rusting remnants of once cutting-edge 1920s coal-fired technology.

The rich visual setting within Brink complements poems that explore our human existence and the alarming challenge of climate change. As Bob Brown says in his foreword: ‘Brink is compelling and urgent poetry, evocative and fit for our times.’

The ebook edition of Brink is available for readers to purchase in some 50 regions through Apple Books – click button below.

A softback print edition is available for Australian readers to purchase through the author’s web site – click ‘print edition’ button below.

Mothlight is a collection of 51 contemporary Australia poems by author and former barrister Brian Walters.

In Mothlight, Brian Walters reveres both the natural world and the power of the clear poetic line. One poem at a time, he edges us closer to seeing, to captivation, to wild play, to progress. At a time of renewed environmental awareness, this collection invites the reader to do the only thing that is left for us to do – a gentle moving through the world.
Amanda Anastasi poet

Gathered under several headings: Candleflame, Featherfeel, Moonray, Orbiting, Metamorphosis, Wingflutter and Imago – each group of poems is complemented by a family of full-page images.

I love these poems, the surprise of them, the wideness and range of vision, the delicate precision of the lens shifting from the personal, the heart, to the glory of the world. The exultation and celebration of the natural world is a constant and marvellous echo of Hardy. There is too, a similar humane heart.
Helen Elliott literary critic and writer

The rich visual setting within Mothlight complements poems that explore our place in a beautiful but damaged world.

A Brian Walters poem is a walk in fair weather and good company in the high country in winter; it is an act of kindness and courage you wish had been your own. His voice is a forest of Old Testament timbers—the Cedars of Lebanon transposed well south and reborn as a sclerophyll woodland. His lines are an elegant eucalypt elegy, a vote of thanks, a currawong choir.
Mark Tredinnick poet

The ebook edition of Mothlight is available for readers to purchase in some 50 regions through Apple Books – click button below.

A softback print edition is available for Australian readers to purchase through the author’s web site – click ‘print edition’ button below.